Kingsta culture
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The icon is an integral combination of two seal type characters of“勁”and “達”, with its appearance resembling a seal of “勁達”. Its traditional Chinese elements signifies the ancient origin and future prospect of Chinese culture, as well as that Kingsta placed a focus on the coordination, adherence to commitments and reliable service provided by us. Axiom: integrity, solidness, diligence, loyalty

Legal motto

You appear with a thorn crown,
You appear with a sword for justice in hand,
Attorneys, gateways to holy kingdom as well as door to the hell,
But you disregard all obstacles and temptations.
Your axiom is: every human is equal before the law, and only objective facts are enshrined as the supreme authority.
------  Hu Qiaomu
Provide legal services to all that have demand for them and collaborate with governments and other agencies to further advance the justice and public good.
------  The United Nations, Basic Principles on the Roles of Lawyers
In Sanskrit, there is a saying that if any human possesses the qualities beginning with a “V”, he would become very great, which are dignified appearance, personality, linguistic skills, knowledge and humility. Any defense attorney shall possess such qualities, and, even more of such qualities, if he is meant to achieve success and reach the height of his career.
------  Chadrisek Harry Aya
If there exists a most important quality in a lawyer, that is integrity, indeed. Lawyers shall be honest to his clients, as well as to his opponents, and to the courts, but the most important is that he must be honest to himself.
------  Dennis
In fact, assuming facts were bricks and sands that build the magnificent mansion of court representation, then techniques would be cements and clays that have a key role to play. There’s no denying that any rocks, however beautiful and solid it may be, would become a pile of waste earth without appropriate adhesives.
------  Darrow

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